Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)

The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (1966)
90 Min of Don Knots being a Nervous Ninny with his Chuck Norris Karatee Chops, 12 October 2008

This is not a Disney Movie but a Don Knots movie. Don Knots played in a lot of Disney movies so I thought I would stick this review here.

When I was young, this film played a lot on TV. I think I liked it way back when. It has a few things going for it. It takes place in a Haunted house. There is something interesting about spending the night in a house where a gruesome murder took place. I would be spooked out if it was me who was in the house alone. YIKES!

Bob Hope, Abbot and Costello, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, Martin and Lewis, Harold Lloyd, perhaps Buster Keaton and others have all been cast in wacky haunted house comedies. And this time it fell to the likes of Comedy legend Don Knots. Besides the premise the audience gets to witness 90 minutes of Don Knott's frighten facial expressions and him running around as a nervous ninny. He constantly brags about his Chuck Norris Karate skills and how his whole body as a weapon. I believe he uses this shtick in many a film.

There is a somewhat amusing gag with a elevator that can't seem to stop all the way aliened with the right floor. There is some unseen heckler who always shouts out "That a Boy_______" That is where the amusement ends. The movie minus what I was mention is as dull as watching paint dry. "The Incredible Mr. Limit is an example of a great Don Knots film. Despite this being a comedy classic that somehow missed the AFI top 100. If you love Don Knots and are a movie buff it might be worth a rental, but it would be worth it more to watch the other film I mentioned. I know others will disagree with me on this film, but ….. someone has to be brave enough to avoid the ghosts and print the truth. Don Knots would have.

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