Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ride a Wild Pony

Ride a Wild Pony (1975) (Library)
  Ride a Wild Pony (1975) (Library)
Come to Australia where you can see loads of kangaroos hopping across the wide open countryside. There’s plenty of room for horses to run around neighing and eating grass.

 Meet Scott.  He's a poor farm boy that loves to sneak onto rich ranch owner James Ellison's property and freely ride his horses without permission. This doesn’t make James happy as can be seen in the opening sequence where he chases Scott who has jumped on one of his ponies and ridden off.  Regardless of how much this boy raises his ire, he ends up not too much latter giving one of his horses to  Scott so he can have transportation to school due to the lack of distance and adequate transportation.

Scott is seen happily riding through the country on his new pony he has named Taff. As he travels to school he can be seen doing such wonderful boyish things as riding through people’s shops in the village knocking people and property over, racing speeding trains, and just enjoying beautiful scenery. Sooner or later this joy ride ends as Scott’s Pony disappears.

 Meet Josie Ellison, James stubborn and  determined handicapped daughter who is determined to train a wild horse to pull her wagon. A new horse has been caught and is given to her to do with as she pleases. She names him Bo. All is fine and dandy until one day at the town fair Scott sees Josie with Bo and claims that he is actually Taff. But it can’t be his missing horse because it’s her horse. Or is it? The conflict is taken to the courts and a small town watches eagerly as the ownership of the Pony is decided.

Will it be the potential juvenile delinquent who gets the horse or the spoiled rich girl who gets it?  Despite the annoying brattness of the two main characters, the setting and the situation and characters in general are interesting enough to have this pony stay in your horse stall especially if you have family members who like horses. Another pleasant offering from when Disney made great family movies.

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